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Credit-Ready means that your business has everything in place to go to the banks and undergo the application process.  In our experience, most businesses are missing some key elements that may trip them up when they are looking for funding.  Our experts will find those errors and omissions and make certain that you have everything in place when you walk in the bank’s front door to get your Funding.

During the critical first seven days, we analyze your business and resolve these issues;

A) Do you have a decent website?
B) Is your phone listed with 411?
C) Is your contact info consistent and accurate on internet directories like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yellow Pages?
D) Do you have a DUNS number?
E) How clean is your credit?
And much more.

We have an extensive checklist that we apply during this first phase. If your business meets this criteria, you have a solid foundation upon which to build your credit sources. If some elements are missing, we can help you shore up your business & become Credit-Ready.

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Only $3,499 Down + 10% Success Fee

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